Home Inspector Finds Dangerous Fire Risk in $535K Newly Built Home!

A home inspector in Texas uncovered serious issues in a brand-new $535K home, including a major fire hazard that could put families at risk.

While new construction is appealing, it’s important to remember that even new homes can have hidden problems.

A thorough inspection is essential before making a purchase!

This particular home in the Dallas-Fort Worth area had a gas leak and warped walls, but it was the dryer vent that raised alarm bells.

The inspector, known as “Inspector Randle” on TikTok, shared a shocking discovery on his video:

the vent had a metal mesh screen in place, which could easily lead to a dangerous fire.

Why is this a problem?

The screen on the vent can trap lint and block airflow, creating a fire hazard.

According to the International Residential Code, vents should be screen-free to allow proper airflow and prevent lint buildup.

If your dryer vent has a screen, it should be removed immediately to avoid potential overheating and fires.

What can you do to prevent this?

To keep animals out of the vent while ensuring it remains safe, consider installing a backdraft damper.

This special valve allows hot air to flow out without letting critters enter your home.

Maintaining your dryer vent is key

Keeping your dryer vent clean is another way to prevent fires. Make sure to clean the vent system and lint filter regularly.

Unclogging the vent and cleaning the filter after every load can prevent costly repairs and, more importantly, keep your home safe.

Always have a professional inspect your home, even if it’s brand new! It could save you from serious risks down the road.

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